I min biodling använder jag mig av "birasen" Buckfast. Buckfast är en konstgjord ras genom systematisk kombination av olika biraser eller bistammar som genomgått sträng selektion. Buckfastbiet är ett avelsprojekt som pågått ända sedan Karl Kehrle (Broder Adam) började avelsarbetet 1916 på klostret Buckfast Abbey i sydvästra England, efter att en parasitsjukdom nästan tagit livet av alla bisamhällen i England. Broder Adams motto var; "Mera honung med mindre arbete". Hans avelsarbete fortsätts i Europa i hans fotspår och enligt hans principer.
Varför Buckfast? Varför inte, jag finner ingen orsak till att inte. Buckfastbiet kombinerar många bra egenskaper, såsom härdighet, svärmtröghet, lugn (bra temperament och kakfasthet), samlariver och byggiver. Svärmtröghet och lugn är två väldigt viktiga och tidsbesparande egenskaper som kommer till nytta både för hobby- och yrkesbiodlare. Buckfastbiet är i all dess enkelhet väldigt lättskött.
Min Buckfast härstammar från olika selekterade och stambokförda avelsdrottningar från Finland (Juhani Lunden), Danmark och Tyskland, dessutom Elgon bin från Sverige. Största delen av Buckfast-stambokförningen hittar ni HÄR!
Owner - seller - booking recipient
Kalaxvägen 451
07320 Jackarby
040 553 9378 Susanne
Business ID (Y-tunnus): 1754553-3
The customer agrees to comply with these terms when reserving, renting or purchasing services and products from Nedergård.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, Nedergård follows the recommendations given by the health authorities. We kindly ask you to cancel the trip as soon as possible if you have flu symptoms or have been in contact with someone who has been infected with the coronavirus. Cancellations due to Covid-19 are fully reimbursed or can be rebooked at a later time free of charge.
Prices include VAT.
We apply dynamic pricing.
We serve both private customers and corporate customers.
We reserve the right to change pricing.
The customer is responsible for ensuring that the information he provides is correct.
We reserve the right to change our delivery terms and the customer should familiarize themselves with the applicable terms before booking.
Bookings made by the customer are binding on both Nedergård and the customer when Nedergård has confirmed the booking. Nedergård sends a written confirmation by e-mail, mentioning agreed services as well as prices and cancellation terms.
The tent site is available to the customer from the day of arrival at 3 pm to the day of departure no later than 12 noon. Check-in no later than 18.
The customer brings a sleeping bag and sleeping pad and is responsible for getting acquainted with the rules and conditions that apply in the area. The customer is expected to accomodate according to good practice and is responsible for leaving the tent and area clean and tidy and removing garbage. If extra cleaning is required after the customer's stay, Nedergård will charge at least € 80 for cleaning costs. If the customer notices any deficiencies in the area, he must immediately inform the owner.
The customer is obliged to compensate for damage he has caused to the tent or other property or in the area. The customer is also responsible for other people who visit the area and for any damage caused by them during the stay.
If the customer incurs a serious disturbance, danger or does not follow the given instructions, the rental agreement can be terminated immediately and the customer is not entitled to a refund.
Nedergård does not compensate the customer for any inconvenience or costs that may be caused by natural conditions such as insects, animals or unexpected weather changes.
The customer is obliged to completely and clearly fill in the traveler form at check-in at the farm center. Each traveler fills in their own form.
Pets are not allowed in the area.
Smoking is only allowed at a specified location.
Nedergård is responsible for repairs caused by normal wear and tear on the equipment.
Nedergård shall not be held responsible for any direct or indirect costs or damages that may arise to the tenant as a result of the equipment being used or broken.
Nedergård does not undertake to replace an interrupted lease with new equipment or reimburse direct or indirect costs that have arisen.
Pikkupernajanlahti is a quiet and peaceful place but surrounded by many summer cottages. Nedergård cannot be held responsible for disturbing sounds from surrounding cottages or boat traffic.
The booking agreement binds both parties. If either party breaches the agreement, he is liable to pay compensation to the other party.
Compensation is calculated according to the following practice regarding private customers:
If the customer cancels their booking when it is more than five days until check-in, the customer can cancel for free.
Cancellation date is the day when Nedergård has received a written notification of the cancellation via e-mail.
If the cancellation takes place after the mentioned time, the customer pays the price for 1 day.
If the customer does not arrive and has not canceled the order, the customer pays the price for 1 day.
The booking can be changed at the customer's request under the following conditions:
The customer can change the booking for free once.
The customer must make a written request for change to the seller's email.
The change must be made no later than 1 day before the start of the original booking.
If the changed booking is canceled, the full rental price will always be charged, regardless of the time of the cancellation.
The seller uses reliable and secure payment intermediaries in its services.
The merchant does not store bank contact or credit card information at any stage.
The customer undertakes to follow the terms of the chosen payment method.
If the payment transaction has not been completed at the time of ordering, the seller will not process the order.
Login is paid for in cash or by credit card unless otherwise agreed at the time of booking.